
From single healing sessions, to virtual intention circles to full immersion retreats, your Numinatus experiences allow you to pursue your journey in a safe, supported environment.


[custom_parallax parallaximage=”{"attachment_id":"687","url":"\\/\\/numinatus.org\\/wp-content\\/uploads\\/2015\\/12\\/RetreatCostaRica_BG1920x1080.jpg"}” contenttitle=”One single experience has the power to change the way you think, what you believe and how you view your world.” parallaxcontainercontent=”” buttoncontent1=”” buttonlink1=”” buttonicon1=”fa fa-book” parallaxposition=”yes” parallaxvideo=”” _array_keys=”{"parallaximage":"parallaximage"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/custom_parallax]
[starry_heading title=”Healing Sessions” subtitle=”Virtual appointments for the individual” heading=”h2″ _made_with_builder=”true”][/starry_heading]

Healing sessions can be taken individually or as part of your prescribed treatment from your Healing Circle membership.

Your healer will listen, assess and guide you through your areas of concern and allow you to step into the next level of your journey.

Your healing session may contain full rebalancing and integration for your physical body, your emotional energy, and your mind programs via techniques such as EFT, Hypnotherapy, Vibrational alignment, Chakra clearing and rebalancing, Mind reprograming, Guided meditation and many more therapeutic techniques.

Selecting someone to work with you is a personal choice. Click here to find out more about our Numinatus Luminaries and how they can help you with different aspects of your spiritual journey.

[starry_button label=”Make a Booking” link=”http://numinatus.org/make-a-booking/” target=”_self” icon=”fa fa-heart-o” _made_with_builder=”true”][/starry_button]

Your Words...

Angie not only shares her gift, she IS a gift! What a delight to work with a person who grasps not only the spirit, but honors the physical as well! I feel more grounded and connected from my reading with Angie! I'm much more relaxed about where I am and what I'm doing now! Nice to have a heart sister to run things by!


Really appreciated the quality of the interaction I had with my healing consultant. Felt heard, understood and held in a space that I could let go of what no longer serves. Thank you.


Kasia was lovely and I enjoyed working with her. She has some amazing abilities!


I must admit I was skeptical about my first session,but it turned out to be very insightful and inspiring. I left with a new hope and purpose for the future. I'm excited and optimistic about this journey and can't wait to see what's next.


I was unsure of what to expect, but my session with Linda was wonderful. I say this, because I felt understood at so many levels. Consequently, I feel encouraged to further engage even though with the busy-ness of Christmas now upon us, I guess I will have to consciously prioritize!


Am still pondering the bits of wisdom Angie dropped in my lap yesterday. The "test papers", namaste to another level. The blessings of love and acceptance. It was a wonderful experience. Such Grace. I feel hugged and enlivened each time I think about it. Thank you, Angie, wisewoman.

[custom_parallax parallaximage=”{"attachment_id":"688","url":"\\/\\/numinatus.org\\/wp-content\\/uploads\\/2015\\/12\\/RetreatCostaRicaWf_BG1920x1080.jpg"}” contenttitle=”Immerse yourself in a complete spiritual experience” parallaxcontainercontent=”” buttoncontent1=”” buttonlink1=”” buttonicon1=”fa fa-book” parallaxposition=”yes” parallaxvideo=”” _array_keys=”{"parallaximage":"parallaximage"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/custom_parallax]
[starry_heading title=”Personalized Healing Retreats” subtitle=”Experience total alignment of your physical, emotional and spiritual being” heading=”h2″ _made_with_builder=”true”][/starry_heading]

Undergo a full 7-night transformation of your body, mind and soul to become aware, open, inspired and aligned – and most satisfyingly feel physically healthy and be at peace and aligned with your healthful body and mind.

Your amazingly talented team of personal body workers, musculoskeletal therapists, energy medicine practitioners, health therapists, coaching and culinary experts guide you through your personalized spirituality retreat.

But most importantly, when you understand the true connection between your body and mind, and embrace your uniqueness in the safe and supportive environment at your Numinatus retreat – you will re-discover your passion for a happy, healthy and connected life experience! And the best thing... it all goes home with you!

[starry_button label=”Learn More About Retreats” link=”http://numinatus.org/retreats/” target=”_self” icon=”fa fa-heart-o” _made_with_builder=”true”][/starry_button]
[custom_parallax parallaximage=”{"attachment_id":"105","url":"\\/\\/numinatus.org\\/wp-content\\/uploads\\/2015\\/09\\/HandsGrowingSapling.jpg"}” contenttitle=”As a collective we can achieve miracles” parallaxcontainercontent=”” buttoncontent1=”” buttonlink1=”” buttonicon1=”fa fa-book” parallaxposition=”yes” parallaxvideo=”” _array_keys=”{"parallaximage":"parallaximage"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/custom_parallax]
[starry_heading title=”Virtual Prayer & Intention Circles” subtitle=”The power of prayer and intention” heading=”h2″ _made_with_builder=”true”][/starry_heading]

Join the Numinatus Virtual Prayer and Intention circles to focus and fortify your energy into a solid avenue for planet healing.

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